There is no way of describing the history of SUPER SKY Paragliding without giving a thorough description of how the entire sport started in Bulgaria.
Now, we can proudly say that we have contributed the most for making paragliding in our country possible, and later, popular and safe.
Established in 1991 (before that time any private activity was prohibited by the communist regime) SUPER SKY is the first private organization in Bulgaria working in the sphere of the paragliding sport. SUPER SKY was founded, by its president and owner Mr. Stoyan Voivodov, who is recognized as one of the first hang glider pilots in the country (1976) and definitely the first Bulgarian paraglider pilot (1987).
From 1975 to 1991 Mr. Stoyan Voivodov has been working on the research and production of ultralight aircraft for the needs of the country and is still the only one to have obtained certification for his own production of aircraft for civil purposes. A result of his research endeavour are three patented innovations in the field of the low speed aerodynamics.
In, 1986 Mr. Stoyan Voivodov started constructing and producing his own paraglider prototypes and in the beginning of 1987 the first paraglider flight in Bulgaria was accomplished. From that moment on he started constructing different models of gliders for the, so far, very few pilots in Bulgaria, but carrying the duty of being the first, he realized that more attention should be paid on pilot education which is now one of our most extensive activities. His efforts in pilot education gave birth to a vast number of the flying schools which work in Bulgaria today.
So, from the time of its establishment to this day SUPER SKY Paragliding has kept its own direction and functions that you will be able to read about in the School and Vacations sections of this web site.